Monday, February 06, 2006

Salazar Coat-of-Arms


Salazar Coat-of-Arms is often a red field with 13 gold stars. It is sometimes topped with a helmet.

There are about 5 variations to the Salazar coat of arms.Generally speaking the older the family the simpler the arms are, and you cant get much simpler than the Salazars. After the 14th Century all branches of the family usually employed the 13 gold stars on their armorials. In France the stars were used but interspersed with 'feuilles de nenuphar',that is to say water lilies. The whole of the tomb of the Salazars in Sens cathedral is smothered in Lillies and stars.
Hector de Salazar, Baron of St Just was the son of Juan de Salazar and Marguerite de la Tremoille. You can still see the site of their chateau at St Just near Troyes in France. In the cathedral at Sens about 50 miles from the chateau is a fabulous tomb which still exists to this day. Here you can see 2 kneeling marble statues of Juan & Marguerite. Just ask for the tomb of the Salazars---Le tombeau des Salazars.

The family is so ancient that The first book found written by a Salazar (There are over 300!) dates from 1476 and is titled 'The history of the Salazar family!' The Val de Salazar or valley of the Salazars in Navarra is where all branches of the family originated.Hector de Salazar is buried under the nave in the church of St Just.

Colour is gaules, (red) and there are 13 stars disposed as 3 + 3 + 3 +1

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